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Follicular Unit Hair Transplant in Houston
Restore Your Hair With a Follicular Unit Hair Transplant in Houston, TX
The team at Aesthetic Surgery Institute is proud to provide follicular unit hair transplants for patients in Houston, TX. A Follicular unit hair transplant (FUT) is a quick and easy outpatient procedure that uses your own follicles to restore your lost hair and receding hairline. It produces natural-looking results without using wigs, plugs, or methods that fail to be convincing. Call us today to schedule your consultation for your FUT.
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How FUT Works
This hair transplant surgery is a permanent solution that helps you boost your confidence without the need for routine maintenance and follow-up appointments. Plus, the procedure uses your own hair and only takes one day to complete while requiring very little downtime. Most patients return to their regular routine the next day!
The FUT process works in three distinct stages plus a recovery period. It’s a very simple outpatient procedure with low risk and great results.
The Follicular Unit Hair Transplant Process
Schedule Your Appointment Today
A beautiful, rich head of hair is just a click or phone call away. Technology has come a long way in hair loss recovery, and now you can take advantage of it. By using your own hair as transplant donors, you receive natural-looking results in a simple procedure. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We’ll devise a plan together that works for you and your goals.
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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.