April 15, 0224
young woman in sports clothing jogging while exercising on the steps outdoors

Many of our patients are committed to their exercise routine and might be a bit reluctant about having any type of cosmetic surgery performed because of the down-time. Active women who want to change the appearance of their breasts with breast augmentation surgery want to know how long they will need to recuperate and avoid exercise post-op.

If you are wondering what exercises you can do after breast augmentation and how soon you can return to normal physical activity, this guide will help you choose the best post-breast augmentation workouts for each phase of your healing process.

Many women will tell you that breast augmentation is much easier than you think it would be, but you certainly don’t want to rush your recovery and jeopardize your results. When Can I Exercise After Breast Augmentation?

young beautiful woman in sportswear doing stretching

Every patient is different and in every case you should listen to your board-certified cosmetic surgeon about your specific timeline for workouts after breast augmentation or other cosmetic surgery procedures. If you are physically fit and work out regularly, that probably makes you a good candidate for breast implants.

These general guidelines to exercise during recovery should be in line with your doctor’s recommendations.

Exercise in the First Few Days After Breast Augmentation

The good news is that you’ll be able to start light walking immediately after your augmentation. This helps with circulation, but be sure you don’t overdo it. For the first five days you should spend your time resting and treating any swelling or discomfort.

It is important to get up and walk around your home, and you may perform light tasks like showering or walking to the mailbox.

Exercising Two Weeks After Breast Augmentation

Two weeks after your procedure, you can take it to the next step, which includes activities like walking uphill or on a treadmill, with your doctor’s approval. Most patients are cleared for light activity, including returning to work if your occupation is not physically strenuous.

You should still avoid intensive cardio exercise, running, swimming, pushups, or any high-intensity workouts.

Physical Activity One Month After Breast Augmentation

Four weeks after your breast implant or enhancement surgery, you will still need to avoid heavy lifting. This includes strenuous chest or breast-lifting exercises like pushups or bench presses.

You can resume moderate intensity running, cardio, and swimming, but you should wear a supportive bra and listen to your body and your doctor’s recommendations.

Working Out Six Weeks After Breast Augmentation Surgery

young woman with a fitness lifestyle doing yoga at home

Six weeks post-op, most patients are given the go-ahead to resume all physical activities. It is important to keep your follow-up appointments with your cosmetic surgeon and make sure your body is ready for strenuous workouts, weightlifting, or intensive strength training before you go back to your former routine.

If at any time you feel pain or heaviness around your breasts, stop that type of activity and discuss it with your doctor.

Typical Exercise Timeline After Breast Augmentation

These sample activities might be appropriate for each phase of your healing, with approval from your cosmetic surgeon:

Woman in pink shorts and black top stretching the legs in the park.
  • Day 1-4. Rest and take short easy walks throughout the day. Avoid all strenuous activity.
  • Day 5-10. Moderate stretching and longer walks are suitable. Keep upper body stretches to what feels comfortable and avoid overusing the pectoral muscles.
  • Day 10-14. Slowly introduce new activities; a gentle gym workout of the lower body, cycling, or stair climbing are a good start. Avoid running or high-impact exercise.
  • Week 2-3. Low-impact cardio exercise can begin, but weight training should still be lower body only. Upper body exercise should be limited to stretching and comfortable cardio movements.
  • Week 4-6. Slowly introduce upper body strength training and more strenuous workouts that include running. Avoid lifting weights over your head until your final follow-up appointment.

Personalization Tips: Tailoring Your Recovery Routine

Recovery from breast augmentation varies for everyone. Listen to your body and adjust your exercise plans accordingly. If you experience discomfort or swelling, take it as a sign to slow down.

Finding inner calm. Shot of young woman meditating by a pool.

Always discuss any changes in your activity level with your surgeon, who will provide personalized guidance based on your specific recovery needs. Emphasize Emotional and Mental Health

The mental and emotional aspects of recovery are just as important as the physical. Light exercises approved by your surgeon can elevate your mood by releasing endorphins. Activities like walking, yoga, or gentle stretching also help reduce stress.

These activities all help to improve mental well-being, enhancing your recovery journey holistically.

Give Yourself Permission to Be Your Best Self

three young women in fitness class looking at camera and smiling

Taking the best care of your body often includes cosmetic surgery, as well as a healthy exercise routine and diet. Scheduling a consultation with the Aesthetic Surgery Institute in Houston, TX will provide all the answers you need about how to take care of yourself before, during, and after a confidence-boosting breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation With Aesthetic Surgery Institute

Choosing an experienced Houston cosmetic surgeon with a proven track record is important to your results and your overall experience. As a double board-certified cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Do is your trusted local doctor with international recognition and acclaim.

To find out more about exercising after breast augmentation, reaching your aesthetic goals, and feeling confident in your beautiful body, contact us online or call today at (832) 271-5560 to schedule your free consultation.